While virtual learning has its advantages, some students may not have enough resources at home to learn virtually or to enhance their learning outside of the classroom. In addition to this, it may be harder for some students to focus if school is online, which will decrease the amount of learning done.
Teaching the Skills of Tomorrow Today
Throughout the history of mankind and across civilizations, nothing could have been accomplished unless the youth of each nation were properly educated. Younger generations need the guidance of those who have come before them to face the challenges of the present and the future.
Why Are Fire Trucks Red?
Interestingly, a different theory for why fire trucks are red is directly the inverse. As the story goes, “Departments were composed of unpaid volunteers…
Education Around the World – Series: China
China’s education system is regulated by its government. China’s government has put great effort into increasing the literacy rate and ensuring that more Chinese people can attend school and university. The education system has strengthened in recent years with no sign of slowing down.
The Pros and Cons of Gifted and Talented Programs
One common mistake people often make is to assume that smart children can do everything well. Sometimes, intelligence comes in the form of a special subject such as music.