Writing has given life to our thoughts, making them immortal once they are written down and safely preserved somewhere. It has enabled us to communicate with one another by sharing our thoughts, ideas, feelings, and experiences. Writing is a tool for giving wisdom to youngsters, making it possible to learn from the past in order to build a better future. Writers of any kind, including novelists, poets, journalists, bloggers, speech writers, influence how we think as a society.
Improving Problem Solving Skills
From the day we are born until the day we die, problems are our fellow travelers in our journey of life. They are key factors in our upbringing throughout our lifetime. If there were no problems, there would be no development of skills, or character, or progress toward a better future. Someone defined problems as a gift: without them we wouldn’t grow, while another one defined problems not as stop signs, but as guidelines.
Overcoming Your Fears
At times, genuine threats give rise to fear, yet fear can also develop from imagined threats. Luckily, all fears are learned; no one is born with them. Consequently, we can unlearn our fears by regularly practicing self-control over them until they disappear.
Feature Story- Galina Rakhmistrovskaya, the Battle of the Teal winner (adult division)
Galina loves art because it is a way to express her emotions and clear her mind. For her, art has a therapeutic effect and changes her outlook on life. As an artist, she wants her artwork to speak to the audience. She brings life to her drawings by using light and shadow to show the texture and perspective which gives depth and visual interest to her art.
Filtering Out The Negativity
We all dream of living a meaningful, happy, and positive life. Accomplishing this means living life to the fullest. Every moment has a special importance that carves an imprint in your life, character, or personality. Happiness can be influenced by the way you think; and your thoughts can lead you into action. As Confucius said, […]
Education Around the World – Series: China
China’s education system is regulated by its government. China’s government has put great effort into increasing the literacy rate and ensuring that more Chinese people can attend school and university. The education system has strengthened in recent years with no sign of slowing down.
Where Did the Inspiration for the Unicorn Come From?
The legend of the unicorn has been around for over 10,000 years. European and Asian civilizations had mythical versions of the unicorn inspired by single-horned animals found in their land…